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Explore the ins and outs of the world of Avonoa!!



 Seeing as I've been asked several times how to pronounce the title and characters in my book, I decided it was time to add a resource for anyone interested.

Avonoa: \a-v&-nO'-ä\ or \a-vi-nO'-ä\

     av-i-NO-uh or av-uh-NO-uh

Priya: \'prE-yä\ as in the Indian name

     PREE-yuh or PREE-yah

Dakoon: \d&-'kün\ or \da-'kün\

     duh-KOON or dah-KOON

Rakgar: \rak-'gär\


Milah: \'mi-l&\ or \'mi-lu\

     MI-luh or MI-lah

Mitashio: \mi-'tä-shE-O\


Flarote: \flä-'rOt\


Krusible: \'krü-si-bl\ as in 'crucible'


Scorrand: \'skO-r&nd\


Lydik: \'lI-dik\

     lI-dik or L(eye)-dik

Kradik: \kru-'dEk\ or \kr&-'dEk\

     krah-dEEk or kruh-dEEk

     If anything else is unclear, please send me a note through the Contact page and I'll add it. Thank you!



 The known intelligent species in Avonoa are; faeries, humans, dragons and centaurs.

     The known monster species (large, dangerous, unintelligent) in Avonoa are; scorrands, paquars, banshees, trolls, among others.

     Faeries tolerate humans and ally with dragons.

     Centaurs are friends to dragons, but do not tolerate humans well because faeries do.

     Centaurs and faeries share a mutual hatred.

     Dragons are friends with centaurs and faeries, but avoid humans at all cost.

     Humans try to keep to themselves but are on their guard around all other species.



Avonoa consists of a wide variety of majikal and non-majikal flora and fauna. The most unique characteristic is the legendary Rock Clouds, home of the Rock Cloud Ruck of dragons. The Rock Clouds consist of numerous mountainous rocks ranging from the size of a pig to the size of the Torthoth Mountains. These rocks float high above the surface world and orbit the Inner Mountain. The Inner Mountain is attached to the surface world at the base and doesn't move. The Rock Clouds are home to several hundred dragons.

    Flarote: (flah-'roht: translates to burning mushrooms) a fungus growing in hot, dark places. Named for its vivid red color. Widely known to help cure animals of illness and injury.

    Hytocomp: ('hy-toh-comp: translates to water moss) A ground cover that soaks up, stores and sheds excess rain water throughout the year. Farmers like Jarek surround their fields with it. It keeps fields from getting flooded in fall and waters crops throughout summer. In autumn and winter it dries, flattens and becomes brittle.



Females are hunteresses. Females are referred to as 'dame'. They hunt on the surface or in nearby forests. In the case of the Island Ruck, the dames often hunt ocean creatures. Females are beautiful and brightly colored to attract males. They often have stripes and spots as well as beautiful colors. But the solid colors are considered the most beautiful. It's an insult to call a dame a 'hen pecker' or 'mother hen'. To 'mother' or nurture is the male's job.

     Male dragons are protectors. Males are referred to as 'dan'. Each sex trains their own in their duties. Males are usually gray or brown colors. Sometimes they are born dark brown or black, but those are considered 'pretty boys' or 'dashing dan'.

     A dragon king is called Rakgar. Rakgar's daughter is Priya. Priya means 'princess'. If her father dies, she will be Rakdar (queen), but like any leader she can be challenged. If a ruler is challenged it means a fight to the death or ruler can step down voluntarily.

     There is a kind of dragon with no wings and no intelligence. These live on the surface with the humans. Dragons call them "worms". They are like snakes with short legs and horned heads.

     There are many different characteristics dragons can have depending on heredity and environment. Many dragons have forked tongues. Some dragons have bifurcated tails, some have webbing under front legs or between claws. Some have stripes or large spots. The Island Dragons are said to only have two back legs and no front legs.

     When dragons “give [their] wyrd” they consider it a binding oath. If you give your wyrd about something and break it, whomever you gave your wyrd to can do with you as they please. Meaning, if you break your wyrd they can kill you or forgive you. If someone forces you to break your wyrd, then their life is subject to the one to whom the wyrd was given.

     Dragons can relay memories to each other by breathing hot air in their faces. When an egg is fertilized memories and feelings are poured out into the egg. Only select memories can be sent, they can be twisted and manipulated into remembering what they want or believe, but for the most part it takes effort. This makes it easy for Rakgar to settle any disputes that might arise. He will take the two conflicting memories and decide what really happened. If a dragon is unwilling to give their memories, then they are considered the party to be in the wrong.

     Dragons use a greeting and farewell of “shining days” and “clear skies” meaning “Good Luck” or “Good Day”. Dragon curse, "go freeze yourself" or “may you freeze in the northern wastes for eternity.” Meaning "go f--- yourself" and “burn in h---”.



In a future tale, I'll tell of the beginning of animosity between the faeries and the centaurs. For now, just remember, don't ever use the faerie name for anything in front of a centaur!

     Where faeries are deathly serious about almost everything, centaurs are much more carefree. They love life and living it! You haven't lived until you've visited a centaur festival! Which they enjoy quite often!

     As everyone knows, centaurs are stargazers! Centaurs have eyes several times larger than a human's or faerie's. These eyes are majikally enhanced to see the movement and characteristics of stars. Young centaur children are taught the mysteries of the stars as soon as they can speak. They watch the stars and see the future, but rarely get involved in anything. To them it would be like reading a book a second time, they already know the ending so it's not quite so interesting. They only act when they see themselves in the story. Most centaurs aspire to be great future-tellers, but there are many other vocations among centaurs as well.

     Centaurs live on the plains or among rolling hills. They make their homes inside the hills, but try to stay away from trees or mountains that might obstruct their view of the stars. Even the Ruler of the Centaurs lives in a quiet little home under a hill.

     Centaurs are willfull, brave, strong and loyal. Male and female don't have "roles" in society. Centaurs believe everyone should follow their hearts.

     The centaur salute is as follows: Touch forehead, meaning "Be mindful of the future", touch nose bridge to indicate eyes, "See to the present", touch heart or chest, "Never regret the past". Vocal greetings and farewells are always casual, but if you wish to be formal (as you would with someone you don't know well) you would say, "May your star shine bright."



 When one thinks of faeries one might also consider the label 'elves', but these faeries are as tall (on average) as humans. They have dragonfly-type intricately laced wings with slight nuances depending on heredity. Faeries have pointed ears like centaurs, but small eyes like humans.

     The most profound difference between humans and faeries would be the skin. Faeries used to have delicate, pale pink skin, but since the "curse of the dragons" (as many faeries would refer to it) their skin has changed to transparent.

     The "curse of the dragons" isn't really a curse, although many faeries see it that way. When the Faerie Council learned that one of their own had used a spell to give the gift of speech to a dragon, they were shocked. But when they learned that that dragon had passed on this gift to its young, they knew it couldn't be stopped. The Council declared that the knowledge be hidden from other beings, most especially the violent humans.

     The spell was worked and the offending faerie punished. The details of this story will be explored more in another tale.



 Humans have had a long and bloody history in Avonoa. Before the faeries intervened the human world was in constant chaos. Lands and governments changed hands every few years through long, deadly battles. Faeries and centaurs alike tried to keep out of the savagery until finally a human king plead to the Faerie Council, but didn't beg for himself. He asked the Faerie Council to create something to help the humans govern themselves without fighting. The fact that he didn't beg for help to win any war is what decided the faeries.

     The faeries forged five swords with strong majikal powers. The five swords are Nobility (Blue), Honor (Red), Allegiance (Silver), Justice (Black), and Courage (Gold). The kings and queens in these respective kingdoms retain the sword which gives them these traits according to the sword they wield.

     The kingdoms' balance of power lies in the fact that none can overpower the others. If two of the kingdoms have a dispute the other three help them solve it.

     Since the establishment of The Kingdoms of the Five Swords, humans haven't been enthralled in bloody warfare for centuries. Many cultures and different ways of life have had cause to be pursued. Most humans believe in the Seven High Gods of Avonoa, but several different religions have sprung up. One of these being the Hamees.

     The Hamees believe in one supreme being. They live a slightly different way of life from other humans in that they take sacred oaths to be kind, serve and never lie. While being avoided by other humans, they live a peaceful life.

© Copyright HRB Collotzi 2018
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